Have you ever wanted free RP for League of Legends? Course you do, who doesn’t? But now you are probably asking…

“Ok…. What do I have to do? What kind of strings are attached? I’ve seen way too many of these sort of scams…”

This way to get free RP has no scams, no credit card required, only info to sign up such as your name and e-mail. Those will be kept safe by the website.

Now 3 Easy Steps to get your free RP ;D

Step 1. Signing Up
First you have to sign up here-




This is called a referral link. When you sign up on this link, I get 20% of the points you make. Don’t get me wrong, you don’t lose points. Ex. you make 10 points, I get 2. You can use your normal e-mail, you won’t get spammed. 😉 Now after that, go to your e-mail and confirm.

Step 2. Gettin Points

Now that you have signed up, why not make some points and grab some RP for Nocturne or something?

To get started, scroll on “Get Points” –> “Complete Offers”. Then you’ll see offers that you can complete for points. You’ll notice that there is a numbers that are labeled as Points, Raffle Tickets, etc.

For ex.


Home Depot Promotion

Points 0.5 Raffle Tickets: 1

Times Credited : 1096 Last Credited : 0 Hours 2 Minutes


Points is the “currency” in this website. Each points is one USD Dollar so this offer is worth 50 cents. The next label is Raffle Tickets, most offers give out raffle tickets. You can use these raffle tickets by scrolling over Community –> Contests. Then there should be a section saying Raffles. From there on out it is self explanatory. Back to the topic, Times Credited is how many people have done this offer. Try to pick out the offer with many Times Credited because they are more relevantly easier to do. Last credited is the last time this offer was credited to someone.

Step 2.5- Offer Completion

To start off; try this, search Least to Greatest on Sort By, and choose the very easy ones. Ex. ArcaMax surveys. They are pretty much 5 questions and you get credit. But however, these surveys are pretty small in points but they eventually add up.

After doing these offers, go to the biggies. I recommend that you go to Forums by scrolling over “Community” –> “Forums”. After that, click the offers section and find Offer Guides. They will surely help you out very much 😀 And in the meantime, why not be part of the community? ;D Oh and a heads up, some offers don’t credit instantly. For most offers, you should wait a couple minutes for the database to process your offer. So don’t get impatient.

Step 3 – Getting Your Well Deserved Prize (That was four steps :O so sorry)

Alright, all this hard work is done. Lets get this over with. I’m typing this up at like 2 AM and I need my night’s rest (and maybe get in a game of LoL, you can add me, I’m Freshnooblet TRYN FTWWW). Alright scroll over “Prizes” and click “Shop Prizes”. After that, find your 10 Dollar RP card 😀 You’ll get it almost instantly since they just process your order and then give you the code. You can also get another variety of prizes such as PC games, Xbox360 membership, etc.

Well, that’s it for me ;D Time to play some LoL before I’m off to bed. Oh and this is a link to all the people who think this is a scam:


But please, sign up at my referral link so I get some points, its a win-win, you don’t lose any points ;D

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